Duke Hall School celebrates 10 years of quality service delivery    |    Duke Hall School provides free medical test as part of her corporate social responsibily (CSR).


The school runs three academic terms comprising of 12 weeks each.

1st term    -    Christmas Term   (September to December)
2nd term    -   Easter Term        (January to March/April)
3rd term    -   Summer Term     (April to July)

  • Grades 5 &6 may require extra Saturday tuition hours each term for coaching towards entrance examinations into secondary schools.
  • Half term breaks are usually for 3 to 5 days per term but may vary, depending on public holidays or government declared holidays, which may not be known beforehand.
  • Staff are expected to resume a minimum of 2 days before the pupils resume at the beginning of each term for INSET training and preparation of the environment. Resumption of staff for the Christmas term (September), which is the beginning of the session, may however be one week before or more.

Events in the school include but are not limited to:

    Prayer meetings with mothers
    Staff early morning prayer session
    Monthly fasting & praying session
    Operation meeting & monthly meeting with the Director
    Tea party
    Goal setting day
    Project defense
    Spelling bee competitions
    Class quiz and debates
    Colour day
    Parents in the classroom
    Declamation
    Children’s day
    Parents’ Teachers’ Forum
    Annual show / Teachers’ Appreciation Day
    Christmas party
    Valentines’ Day celebration
    National Day
    Career Week
    Parents’ Day (Fathers’ & Mothers’ day)
    Progress test
    Examination
    Excursion
    Open day